Cable Connections Ltd Awarded Gold Status HERS

HESA Courses, Street Furniture, Street Lighting, Utility


We are proud to announce that Cable Connections Ltd has been awarded the Highway Electrical Registration Scheme (HERS) Gold status.

The gold status is a phenomenal achievement. Only few organisations have been awarded with this meaning Cable Connections Ltd meets industry requirements and we are fully compliant with the National Highways Sector Scheme 8.

We have over 80% of of the team from Cable Connections registered to HERS and for the business to succeed, everyone had to pass their assessments and make sure their documentation and training was up to date.

Under our ISO 9001 accreditation, which is focused on quality management values, anyone working on or supervising our street lighting contracts are also required to be registered to HERS.

Gary Madgwick, Managing Director at Cable Connections Ltd said: “Achieving HERS Gold is an incredible achievement and proves our commitment to industry leading standards. By delivering safe and reliable electrical infrastructure, we are consistently ensuring the safety of our people and customers.”

The scheme was created by the HEA, a trade association with a history expanding over 65 years. The HEA is one of the largest and most influential bodies within the sector representing over 100 organisations, and it is a great achievement to be recognised as Gold status.

Congratulations to the team for this honourable achievement!

Cable Connections Ltd is committed to putting health, wellbeing and the safety of people first and behaving in a sustainable manner to our people, communities and the environment.

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